There are times when it may seem all too easy to sneak a valuable item out of a large retail store, perhaps as a single one-off act. The reality is that committing retail theft is a serious crime with consequences that will surely catch up with you. If you stand...
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Criminal Defense
What does the law say about disorderly conduct?
On Behalf of Ortega & Ortega, PLLC | Sep 13, 2022 | Criminal Defense
Spending time downtown with friends may start off innocently enough. However, if you or someone you are with starts causing a scene, the police may slap you with a charge for disorderly conduct. A disorderly conduct charge may go along with additional charges, so...
Underage DUI charges in Arizona
On Behalf of Ortega & Ortega, PLLC | Jul 29, 2022 | Criminal Defense
If you face underage drunk driving charges as a teen, or have concerns about your child due to these allegations, reviewing the unique details surrounding the case and your options is essential. Some young drivers and their loved ones find themselves in this position...
Is it illegal to be intoxicated in public in Arizona?
On Behalf of Ortega & Ortega, PLLC | May 31, 2022 | Criminal Defense
Bar hopping in a city's downtown area is a fun pastime for many people, allowing them to socialize and walk between venues rather than drive. However, depending on how much alcohol you have to drink, this may come with the charge of public intoxication in some states....
Even a DUI misdemeanor can affect your future in negative ways
On Behalf of Ortega & Ortega, PLLC | May 23, 2022 | Criminal Defense
There are three classes of misdemeanors in the state of Arizona. Class 3 is the least severe charge while Class 1 is the most severe. Any DUI misdemeanor on your record may be enough to disrupt your plans for the future, even if it is only a Class 3 conviction. Facing...
Shoplifting charges and Diversion Program eligibility
On Behalf of Ortega & Ortega, PLLC | Mar 28, 2022 | Criminal Defense
Theft offenses such as shoplifting may result in a misdemeanor or felony charge based on the value of items allegedly taken from a retail store. The Legislature of the State of Arizona notes that misdemeanor shoplifting involves taking property worth no more than...
Are passengers charged with possession if drugs are in the car?
On Behalf of Ortega & Ortega, PLLC | Mar 26, 2022 | Criminal Defense
When you hop in the car with your friends, you might not think that the contents of their trunk are any of your business. Suddenly, you may find yourself full of worry if a police officer pulls you over. If the police find drugs in your friend's trunk or elsewhere in...
What merits a property crime?
On Behalf of Ortega & Ortega, PLLC | Feb 8, 2022 | Criminal Defense
Property violations have serious consequences, even if they are not violent crimes. Offenders suffer repercussions that follow them for years and sometimes their entire lives. A simple misunderstanding can see you indicted for one of the following charges. Conviction...
Can you get a DUI for marijuana?
On Behalf of Ortega & Ortega, PLLC | Jan 18, 2022 | Cannabis Law, Criminal Defense
The legal status of marijuana has gone through various changes throughout the United States, so if you feel confused about it, your feeling is understandable. Though the federal government still regards it as a Schedule I controlled substance, many states have...
What constitutes disorderly conduct?
On Behalf of Ortega & Ortega, PLLC | Nov 21, 2021 | Criminal Defense
A disorderly conduct charge could be a misdemeanor or a felony. Either way, it puts a negative mark on your criminal record. In addition, it could lead to fines and jail or prison time. Understanding the charges against you is essential to mounting a proper defense....